Whilst there is still a heightened risk of Covid-19, All Health Matters are regularly reviewing how we can support our clients and provide occupational health services safely.
We understand that you must keep your business going and to do that, you need to ensure your team are safe and well to return. Our review process ensures that we can support you to do this in the most effective and safe way, whilst adhering to guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and other recognised bodies.
At present it is still not appropriate to carry out face to face medicals as standard. However, it is important to remember that health surveillance is still required by law even in times of pandemic.
This means that companies still need to be making sure employees have their regular medicals or assessments by an occupational health specialist.
"it is important to remember that health surveillance is still required by law even in times of pandemic"
Since the introduction of lockdown, All Health Matters have followed HSE guidance to carry out medicals remotely using telephone-based questionnaires. Our clinicians have reported that this has worked well, and we have enabled your staff to continue to work. We continue to recommend this as the safest way to protect everyone.
We do recognize, however, that this is not always appropriate and in some circumstances a face to face medical is necessary. As businesses return to a ‘new normal’ there will be more demand for face to face safety critical medicals and fit to work medicals that cannot be carried out remotely to a sufficient standard.
Taking steps to keep you safe
To protect everyone, we are introducing face to face medicals slowly, making sure we are doing all we can to reduce risk at our own clinics before we return to on-site medicals.
We have carried out risk assessments for our clinics in East London, West London and Canterbury and know that we can minimise exposure for your staff and our own by introducing the following processes:
screening all visitors and staff for Covid-19 symptoms
temperature checks on all visitors and staff
providing hand sanitizer for visitors and staff
even more rigorous cleaning of equipment between clients
staggering appointment times
providing masks for all visitors
ensuring 2m social distancing wherever possible
all our staff are wearing masks, visors, gloves and aprons
We are following the Society of occupational Medicine’s (SOM) guidance by reducing time, increasing distance and adding physical barriers. In short, we are still available to support all clients, both old and new, by providing covid-19 safe occupational health services that are fit for purpose.
To talk to us about providing occupational health services for your organisation, please contact us now.
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