Rachel is the kind, firm, and fair leader of our clinical team. She works closely with Andrew to make sure our clinics and contracts run smoothly, and manages a number of clients accounts directly. On top of this, she ensures our clinics meet high standards, our policies are fit for purpose, and our team is looked after. All of this, she does with a smile and a great sense of humour.
What did you do before you joined AHM?
Before I joined AHM, I worked as Practice Manager for GP Surgery in Kent.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I don’t really have a typical day – which is one of the things I love about my job. I tend to think that a practice manager is ‘jack of all trades, but master of none’ as I am involved in so many different things from checking that the clinics are stocked with supplies to meeting clients or manning the exhibition stand at the Excel. My first job of the day is it to check that the clinical team are all where they should be and that everyone is alright. I find that a large proportion of my day is spent responding to emails from clients and colleagues which is quite reactionary and sometimes a bit like ‘fighting fires' but there is another side of my job which requires me to think more strategically and I work with the rest of the management team on making AHM better and looking after our clients in the best way we can.
What's your favourite thing about your job?
The people – getting to know my colleagues and our clients. Everyone is interesting and I love hearing about other people and their lives.
What's your fondest AHM related memory?
10th birthday party when we were altogether, enjoying a great show with a fun group of people.
Which of the AHM values (communication, respect, integrity, inspiration, collaboration) is most important to you personally and why?
It goes without saying that they are all important but if I had to choose one, it would be integrity. I would not have joined AHM if I had felt that the company was not founded on honesty and strong moral principles. Right from day one, I was impressed with the value that we are honest with clients, both existing and new, and would not sell them anything that was unnecessary or would not benefit them. If we make a mistake, we always apologise and do our utmost to put it right – none of us is perfect and if we are trying our best, then I hope that mistakes can be forgiven.
Can you tell us about one of your hobbies or interests outside of work?
I love walking and running. We have a 2 year old sprocker who loves both of those just as much and is always up for going out, whatever the weather.
And, lastly, can you give us a quote that you would pin on your wall (it can be your own motto or a quote you’ve come across…)?
Be kind. It costs very little and if we were kind to each other, then I think we would all be happier.